Friday, September 17, 2010

health administrative departments have approved the registration of the plastic surgery clinic subjects

health administrative departments have approved the registration of the plastic surgery clinic subjects, the hospital should have the medicine, law, ethics experts such as clinical application of transgender surgery technology ethics committee. management specification, carrying out sex change operations should be obtained the Yi Shang, deputy chief physician and serve qualified professional and technical positions. christian louboutin management standard requirements before variability Shoushu patients must submit the following legal documents and proof: the local public security department were issued No-crimes and record certificate; the local public security departments for the record Tongyishuhou change of gender identity card; Transsexualism psychiatrist diagnosis issued by that
and that no other mental abnormalities; patients required surgery, I written reports. the same time, management practices also requires pre-operative patients must to satisfy my conditions: denaturation requirements for at least christian louboutin shoes 5 years, and no iterative process; patient gender of their choice to live and work in public at least 2 years; preoperative psychological, psychiatric less than 1 year and void; not marital status; older than 20 years old, is the full civil capacity; no surgical contraindications psychosis. NO6 Iraq Mayer elected CCTV60 the christian louboutin sale only plastic surgery for 60 brand brand 2009 年 8 18, brands on September 29, Yan Ran Angel Fund medical teams from Beijing, went to Ngari in Tibet and Xinjiang Kashgar Prefecture, for the local poor free medical care for patients with cleft lip and palate surgery. The medical team caring Yan Ran Angel Fund last trip 13 days, travel more than 10,000 km, the maximum altitude of 5,000 meters

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