Monday, August 30, 2010

16 listed banks in the first half net profit of 343.398 billion yuan, up 45.75 percent. Profitability of net interest margin increased mainly due to the rebound first half of the 15 listed banks (excluding the Bank of Beijing (12.81,0.10,0.79%)) the level of net interest margin 2.67%, up faster.

16 listed banks in the first half net profit of 343.398 billion yuan, up 45.75 percent. Profitability of net interest margin increased mainly due to the rebound first half of the 15 listed banks (excluding the Bank of Beijing (12.81,0.10,0.79%)) the level of net interest margin 2.67%, up faster.

A number of banks in the semi-annual report noted that the spread is mainly due to a rebound in the yield / cost ratio while lower case, interest-earning assets, rate of return fell below the cost of interest bearing debt ratio.

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